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The Fisonic Devices (FDs) are supersonic, condensing heat pumps with a patented internal geometry which causes steam and water to mix and accelerate, converting a minute fraction of fluid's thermal energy to physical trust (pump head) with the outlet pressure higher than the pressure of the working medium at the inlet of the device.
The FDs harnesses the transonic-energy that occurs from directly mixing steam and water. It operates with high expansion and small compression ratios. The discharge pressure in the FDs is typically higher than the pressure of the working and injected streams. The result is a hyper-efficient, self-pumping, heat-exchanger that has no moving parts The FD heats the recirculated building water by direct contact with steam and transports the water through-out the building thus eliminating the tube and shell heat exchanger and the electrically driven pump.
FD converts the minute fractions of the streams thermal energy to physical thrust. Our thermal kinetic turbine utilizes the thrust to propel itself and converts the kinetic energy into mechanic energy that feeds into a generator and produces power.
Fisonic systems can be easily installed without service disruption. We install our systems as a by-pass to the existing steam/ hydraulic heating and hot water system with three valved piping connections. Our system is compact in size and can be rolled into a facility for install. Our system includes the stand, the box, a control system and a monitor that will display data streaming in real time. The controls system can also connect to the property's Modbus or BACnet system.
Hot-water heating
Steam Research Lab